Regardless of the terminology used, developed, industrialized, and economically sufficient countries continue to both of their sky-rocketing standard of living, while those less or almost unindustrialized countries continue to falter to poverty and are left poorer and poorer every year.
Simply talking, poverty in the lack of basic needs of an individual, such as deprivation of nutritious food, clothing, decent home, safe water, and social services. Intense poverty can cause massive death, hunger, and malnutrition to the afflicted ones. These poor people - especially those from Africa, Latin America, and Asia - struggle to for their daily meals and necessities. Rich countries are also victims of poverty. Those poor people, especially living in squatter’s area in urban areas also suffer malnutrition, and illness, not withstanding illegal drug dependency and being involved in crimes, like robbery and kidnapping.
Poverty is all through the history of mankind and its causes are very simple. Some experts said that the world has too many people yet jobs are insufficient and wealth is unfairly distributed. Poor people in developing countries often work for low wages in factories set up by companies based in developed countries (Encarta, 2003). Here in the Philippines , for example, 40 percent of the country’s total income goes only to ten percent of the population, mostly member of the elite class. Statistics also shows that 70 percent of the population live below the poverty line and earn less than the daily minimum wage.
Nevertheless, these causes are multifarious and cannot be easily erased. On the other hand, some say that the cause and effect of poverty interact with the people so that they themselves make the factors that in the end directly come back to them. These factors, which are considered to the main causes, are: (1) overpopulation, (2) unequal distribution of wealth, (3) inability to meet the high standard of living, (4) insufficient education and lack of job opportunities, (5) environmental ruin, (6) certain fiscal and demographic trend, (6) and welfare inducement.
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